
Cool Breeze Sails South - Hilton Island to the Dry Tortugas

We're leaving Hilton Head Island for a winter sail to the Keys and possibly the Dry Tortugas, seeking warmer weather. This is our 2nd trip South and our 3rd extended sailing trip.

... We’ve stayed in St. Simons another day due to the wind factor and trying to cross St. Andrew’s Sound with incoming tide and wind from the opposite direction. If you ever have an inkling of traveling when the Peerys are going somewhere, do not go. Our timing is incredibly horrible. Who else could travel when the temperatures are the coldest on record for the longest period of time? The restaurant at St. Simons is closed for cleaning until Jan. 7. There are no hand warmers to be found in St. Simons. Our brand new TV cuts out the sound every few minutes for about 15 seconds, very annoying. The cat sleeps all day and meows all night....

read their Sailing Blog

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